Well, I spent the whole day researching on Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Relationship Management to prepare for an interview next week. At the end of the day, freaked out by numerous papers and books, I decided to walk around and check the mailbox downstairs.
Surpirse. I got my starbucks mail in a brown envelope with an old style. I can not believe how great the starbucks marketing team has been doing! How can you succeed in every touch point and bring me such a huge emotional shock? In this internet era, you have such an integrated offline/online system that make my customer experience as convenient as it can be. Now I have my starbucks app in my phone, my physical member card and starbucks products with me.
Although data-driven marketing is going to rock the industry, I still keep my faith in the traditional way. I believe computers can not accomplish that job. Such intimacy can only be built on human being. So I never regret to be an Art student (even I am now a so-called science student).
Everyday, there are so many interesting things I should learn to become a better marketer.
Thank you Starbucks!